Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Jungle Book 2

Junglebook2 movieposter.jpgProving that Disney didn’t like to leave any movie without a sequel, DisneyToon Studios released The Jungle Book 2 in theaters early 2003. A continuation of the film instead of following Kipling’s The Second Jungle Book, the film stars Haley Joel Osment, John Goodman, Mae Whitman, Bob Joles, Tony Jay, Phil Collins, John Rhys-Davies, and Jim Cummings.

Now living in the Man Village, Mowgli (Osment) lives with the girl who lured him in, Shanti (Whitman), adopted brother Ranjan (Connor Funk) and their parents (Rhys-Davies and Veena Bidasha). But Mowgli wishes to return to the fun of the jungle. However, Shere Khan (Jay) has returned and seeks revenge.

Sometimes, a revenge plot can be pretty powerful. But the way Disney did this one isn’t all that great and doesn’t do the type of story any justice. This one is basically just a rehash of the first movie, in that Shere Khan wants to kill Mowgli. However, he’s gone through character derailment, ceasing to be the distinguished gentleman hunter. While that could be considered development it just seems too hard a shift. Plus, having the buzzards mock him the whole movie gets old.
I’ll admit though, the voices match very well in regards to replacing the people from the original movie. But they should have tried harder. All I heard is Sora as Mowgli, Sully as Baloo and Gimli as Mowgli’s adopted father.
The songs are also pretty grating, even the new version of “Bare Necessities.”


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